New Central ABC's

New Central Public School

133 Balsam Drive

Oakville, ON L6J 3X4


Principal: Nancy Rice

Senior Administrative Assistant: Michelle Perry 

Administrative Assistant: Kristi Billing

Below is an alphabetical list of some reminders for parents and students about the routines here at New Central:


8:00 - 8:18 Supervision 

8:18 -10:00 Instructional Block

10:00 -10:40 Nutrition Break 1 

10:40 - 12:20 Instructional Block

12:20 - 1:10 Nutrition Break 2

1:10 - 2:50 Instructional Block

2:50 -3:05 Supervision (kindergarten ends at 2:40)


Supervision of the school playground begins at 8:00 a.m.  Parents/guardians should be aware that students arriving before this time cannot be assured of the safety that such supervision provides.  Please encourage your children to arrive before 8:18 a.m., when the bell will ring for entry into the school.  

Note: The entrance to the school is a one way system during times of drop off and pick up. The entrance is from Lakeshore Road and the exit is at Balsam Drive. The one way is during the following times:

7:50am - 8:20am

2:30pm - 3:00pm


The HDSB utilizes a Student Absence Reporting System called SchoolMessenger.​ 

All families must register for SchoolMessenger to report student absences online. For safety reasons the HDSB requests that parents do not call the school directly to report absences, but rather use SchoolMessenger, as this requires sign in and ensures the student’s guardian is reporting the absence. When School Messenger is not informed, an automated call goes out to connect with parents/guardians to determine the reason for the child’s absence. The system will continue to call you until a selection is made.

Options for Reporting Student Absence

The SchoolMessenger​ system is accessible 24 hours, seven days a week to report future absences and late arrivals.

Please see this link for more information about installing and using SchoolMessenger and for answers to Frequently Asked Questions.


Bicycle racks are provided at the school for those who choose to ride to school.  All bicycles must be placed in the racks or storage unit.  For safety reasons, students are not allowed to ride bicycles, skateboards, long-boards or scooters on school grounds.  Bicycle helmets are now required by law and should be worn at all times.  The school cannot accept responsibility for damaged, lost or stolen transport.


Please DO NOT send any food or non-food items to school to celebrate your child’s birthday. Our staff will be sure to acknowledge your child’s birthday in an appropriate way in their classroom.


We have many students who ride the bus to and from school.  Please be reminded that riding the bus is a privilege, and students who do not follow the expectations on the bus will not be allowed to ride.  Students are only permitted to ride the bus for which they are registered to ride.  Students may not board other buses for any reason. Please contact Halton Student Transportation Services for further information.

We take attendance of all bus riders at the end of the school day to ensure the safety of students. If a bus student who was in attendance at school during the day is not on the bus at the end of the day, we hold the bus until that student is located. If you know that your child will NOT be riding the bus home please inform the office and teacher via email or phone. This helps to keep our buses running on time and also helps the flow of traffic from our school at the end of the day.


    Remain seated in your assigned seat

    Do not throw anything in or out of the bus.

    Use polite language and show respect for the bus driver, teacher supervisors and peers.

    Ask your parent/guardian to email your teacher if there is a change in routine.


Students are dismissed at 2:50 p.m (kindergarten at 2:40pm). Supervision of students ends at 3:05pm. Please note the following PICK UP locations:

Kindergarten:  Students are dismissed at 2:40 p.m. from the Kindergarten gates in the fenced enclosure.

Grades 1 – 6:  Students are dismissed onto our blacktop area from doors 11 and 12.  For the safety of all children and protection against unknown adults in the building, parents are not permitted in the school. 

When picking up your child early from school please come to the door and ring the bell. Your child will be dismissed to you at the door. We cannot dismiss students to you in the parking lot. For safety reasons we must see that students have made a connection with their guardian.


Many parents find the walk to and from school to be a good time to also walk the family dog.  If this is the case, please do not bring the dog onto the blacktop on school property, as some students are allergic or fearful.  It is also difficult to predict a dog’s behaviour when confronted with a large group of excited children.


Student dress is required to be appropriate for a learning environment.  Clothing is required to be safe, comfortable, neat, clean and respectful.  The footwear must be appropriate for a safe and active day.

Below is a list of guidelines to help you when choosing your clothing for school:

    No profanity on clothing including shirts and hats.

    No suggestive cartoons or drawings on clothing.

    No slogans promoting the use of drugs or alcohol on clothing.

    No derogatory, gender biased or racist comments on clothing.


We request that families make every effort to ensure that their children bring all necessary materials to school in the morning. If a non-essential item is forgotten (e.g., pencil case, binder, etc.) we request that your child bring it the following day. 

We also request that all children bring their own lunch and snacks to school each day. In the rare instance that a lunch is forgotten, there will be a table placed just inside of the main entrance to the school for you to drop off the lunch. Please clearly label the lunch before you drop off. Buzz into the office to let us know that you have left an item on the table.


Fire Drills will be held at regular intervals during the year.  A continuous ringing of the fire bell will be a signal for a fire drill.  All staff, students, volunteers and visitors, must leave the school during fire drills.  Students and staff will have warning for some drills, while others may be surprise drills.  Teachers will share fire drill procedures with their students so everyone is aware of how to exit the building safely. 

There will also be two lockdown drills per year, during which students must listen to and comply with all staff directions.


If your child is tested positive for lice, you will be called to pick them up immediately.  The child must get treated and then checked by a nurse from CBI Home Health Home Health Services hotline at (905) 507-6562 or 1-855-507-6562  (formally known as We Care) before being admitted back to the school. For other languages click here.


If a student becomes ill during school hours a parent/guardian will be contacted and asked to pick the student up from school. The student will be made as comfortable as possible in the school until a parent can be reached.  If your child feels unwell before coming to school, or has a fever, please keep them at home to speed recovery and prevent spreading the illness to classmates. 

Even though safety on school property is a priority, accidents can happen.  Most injuries are minor and can be attended to at school. However, if an accident should occur that requires medical attention, school procedures are as follows:


We have students use indoor and outdoor shoes.  Some days Physical Education will take place outdoors, therefore we request that all students come to school wearing running shoes that are appropriate for outdoor Phys. Ed.  Indoor shoes can be left at school.   


It is imperative that families make every effort to ensure that their children arrive at school prior to the bell. This avoids unnecessary interruptions in class and will help keep students safe. If students are repeatedly late it impacts both academic learning and social development. 

Students who are late must come to the front door of the school and use the buzzer and will sign in at the office.  Our office staff will record their late arrival in our system. Your child will then proceed directly to class. All lates will be recorded and will appear on their report cards.


Expensive or important items should not be brought to school. Please label all your children’s clothes, lunch bags, water bottles and other belongings. Having your children recognize their own belongings will help build responsibility and independence (part of the learning skills on report cards). We have a lost and found bin where students can retrieve their lost items. Unclaimed items will be donated periodically throughout the school year.


Students eat in their classroom at their desks.  Classes are supervised by a combination of paid lunch supervisors and teachers.

The two nutrition breaks are from 10:00 to 10:40 and from 12:20-1:10. Students must eat in their own classroom at their own desk and food will not be permitted outside. 

All students are required to bring home all wrappers, leftover food and garbage from their lunches. No items should be disposed of at school. We ask for your cooperation in sending “Boomerang” lunches to school. A “Boomerang” lunch is a lunch that is packed in reusable containers and reusable bags. All students and staff will be asked to bring home all leftover food and garbage from their lunch each day. This helps with cleaning and is also good for the environment!


As we have many students with life threatening allergies to peanuts/nuts and nut products, these should not come to school as part of a student’s lunch.


All students with life-threatening Prevalent Medical Conditions (e.g., Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Diabetes, Epilepsy etc.) are required to have a Medical Plan of Care. These documents can be found on the New Central website under Student Health. A Medical Plan is not required for students who have allergies (e.g., seasonal allergies etc. that do not require Epi-Pens etc.).

If there have been any changes to your child’s medical condition, if your child is new to the school and a plan has not yet been created, or if your child has developed a new medical condition, please contact our principal-Nancy Rice.


Accessible parking spots are available at the front of New Central’s main entrance. Permits are required.  Our parking lot is reserved for staff and for essential visitors to our school. Please make an effort to walk or bike to school or, if driving, know that parking in our small parking lots is very limited. Dropping off your child at the north end gate and having your child walk through the school field to the blacktop may be an option. There is no parking on Michael Terrace but you can stop and drop off. If you are driving your child to school, please read our procedures below: Dropping off on Balsam in the 'can park zones' on the west side Balsam north of the school is another option. Dropping off and parking in front of the school on Balsam is dangerous, has resulted in near misses and slowed down the exiting from our parking lot.

PLEASE DO NOT PARK OR DROP OFF YOUR CHILDREN ON BALSAM at the school parking lot......check the city signage posted on the street.

Drop off options:

1. Michael Terrace drop off...student walks through field to black stop parking...

2. Enter via Lakeshore and use our Kiss and Ride lane to drop off students grade 1-6 all along that lane – students only should exit on the right side of car only...caution when pulling out into the left side of the lane

3. Kindergarten children can use the south kindergarten gate or the west kindergarten gate off the blacktop to enter in the morning.

4. Park on Balsam, north of school on west side...check parking signs

5. Walk, ride or roll to school...healthy and safe option

6. Bus picks up and drops off students at the end of the lane on the sidewalk near the yellow gates.


Students are not required to bring personal devices to school and will be provided with school technology for all of their academic needs.  If students choose to bring technology to school, it is expected that they leave their device, turned off, in their backpack or locker at all times. Students may not use their devices at break time or the hallways. Never, at any time, are students to take pictures, video, or audio recordings of students or staff during the school day unless prior approval has been set up as part of an assignment during which the teacher will supervise.  The school is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged technology. For more information, please visit the HDSB’s Technology and You website. 


All students must be dressed appropriately to allow full participation in physical education.  For safety, running shoes must be worn (lace-up, velcro and tie-up).  No slip-ons, open backs or loafer style shoes are allowed for PE. Also, please ensure that your child is dressed for the weather as physical education classes also take place outside depending on the activity (baseball, snowshoeing) and the weather.

Parents must sign a ‘Permission to Participate’ form emailed to families in September.  If a student has been excluded from full participation in physical education classes due to medical issues (e.g., concussion, broken bones), a ‘Permission to Resume Participation’ form must be obtained from our office and signed by the referring doctor.


Any games and activities you decide to do at recess must be safe and respectful.  If it is not safe or respectful, then you will be asked to stop the activity, and possibly encounter some form of consequence for your actions.  If students are having a problem at recess, they are always reminded to see an adult in the orange vest for assistance. 

Students are reminded to never throw any objects that could cause harm to others. (e.g., sticks, stones, snowballs). 

To help keep the playground clean, and the bees away, food and/or drinks are not permitted on the playground.


The teachers will regularly, and in a variety of ways, recognize and reinforce good behaviour, appropriate problem solving, and positive contributions.  However, if a student is unable or unwilling to meet the school’s expectations we will support our staff and students by using many of the strategies outlined in the HDSB’s code of conduct pages.


Learning to plan ahead is a valuable skill to acquire.  Students should keep families informed ahead of time of special events at the school.  Should students need to reach family members during the day, the office staff will contact families.  Students should not be using their cell phone to call anyone during the school day. All cellphones will be kept in backpacks in lockers until the end of the day.


Each September you will receive forms to complete to assist us in updating our medical information at the school.  These information forms are essential if your child requires medication at school (either on a regular basis or in case of an emergency) or if your child has a serious condition such as asthma or a life threatening allergy (e.g.,peanut, bee sting etc.). It is very important that parents keep the school current with medical needs. You can find links to these forms on the New Central website under Student Health.

The Anaphylaxis Protocol 2006 outlines that all schools must have school-wide plans and individual plans for students and/or staff identified as having anaphylactic reactions to allergens. The intent of the Anaphylaxis Protocol is to create a safe learning and working environment for all persons with severe allergy conditions.  If you have any questions about your child’s plan, please contact the principal at the school.

We have a number of students who have a life-threatening allergy to peanuts, tree nuts and peanut/nuts products, fish, and shellfish.  Therefore, we request that our families refrain from sending any food with peanut or nut products to school.


It is necessary to notify the School Office of student information changes (e.g., address, phone number, contacts in case of emergency).  It is most important to ensure that the school has a number for at least one emergency contact.  It is essential that the school is able to make contact with a parent or designate at all times.  Please contact the office if you have new contact information at any point throughout the school year.


If you are planning a family vacation during the school year, please report the absence through School Messenger indicating the dates of your child’s absence.  Communicate with your child’s teachers so that homework expectations can be discussed.  If you are leaving for more than 15 consecutive school days, you must contact the office to sign “An Extended Absence Form”. 


In an effort to ensure the safety of our students in the school environment, the Halton District School Board has reviewed the Access to Schools policy.  The following statements are extracted from the policy;

“All persons visiting the school must sign in at the school office and state the purpose of their visit to the school.  A person is not permitted to remain on school premises if the person fails to sign in as required. Persons authorized to be on school premises are not entitled to have access to all areas of the school premises and may only access areas of the school as permitted and as related to their role in the school at that time.”  

We ask all parents/visitors to enter using the front door and to register at the school office upon arrival, prior to entering any other area of the school.  This includes situations such as bringing children to school and delivering materials, lunches or messages to staff or students. When you are delivering forgotten items, such as lunches or gym clothes, please give the labelled items to the office staff.  Please do not sign in and deliver the items directly to the classroom or ask to have your child come down to the office at that time. This practice causes frequent interruptions in the instructional time for all students. The office staff will try their best to get the student to come down on their nutritional break.  Similarly, important messages only will be conveyed during nutritional breaks as well.  


All volunteers and student supervisors MUST have a police record check on file at the office. If we have one on file from previous years, it is still valid with an offence declaration each September.  As mandated by the Ontario government, all school doors will be locked during instructional hours. If you need access to the school, there is a buzzer system at the front door where someone will let you in to report to the office.


We look forward to wonderful partnerships with our families this coming school year!