HDSB PA Day Agendas

On Professional Activity (PA) days, staff engage in professional development. Our school, along with all schools in the Halton District School Board (HDSB) have several Professional Activity (PA) Days throughout the school year. The purpose of these days is to enhance student success. Staff focus on professional development activities, participate in training or planning sessions. There are no classes for students on these days. ​ ​

To learn about what schools across the HDSB are focusing on during each PA Day, visit HDSB PA Days 2024-2025

PA Day Agendas
2024-2025 School Year

For a detailed description of what our school will be focusing on please see the following information.

Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024 - Provincial Education Priorities

Please be aware that we will be updating this content shortly.  



Learning Materials:

Additional information:

Friday, Oct. 11, 2024 - Learning and Growth: Student Literacy, Mathematics, Guidance and Career Education

Topic: Learning and Growth: Student Literacy, Mathematics, Guidance and Career Education ​


Description: Elementary school teams will engage in learning related to effective practices and strategies for student literacy and mathematics learning and growth. Educators will engage in learning focused on implementing the revised 2023 Language/Francais Grade 1-8 curriculum. They will learn about principles and requirements for early reading screening as described in PPM 168: Reading Instruction and Early Reading Screening.

Elementary educators will also work collaboratively to develop a greater understanding of high-impact instructional strategies for mathematics as detailed in the curriculum, as well as the HDSB Math Achievement Action Plan​. School teams will also engage in learning related to making connections to skilled trades, transferable skills and apprenticeship, guidance and career education. ​

Facilitators: The learning will be led by school administrators and school-based staff supported with materials and guidance from the School Programs Department.

Learning/Delivery Method: Whole group presentations and small group work.​ 

Friday, Nov. 29, 2024 - Student Growth, Progress Reports & Effective Strategies and Practices

Topic: Student Growth, Progress Reports & Effective Strategies and Practices


·         Full-day

·         Elementary: In-person or remotely


Description: Elementary school teams will engage in student/parent/guardian/teacher conferences focused on Student Growth and Progress Reports.


·         Elementary programming will be led by teachers

Learning/Delivery Method:

Elementary: Small group conferences with students and parents 

Monday, Jan. 27, 2025-  Assessment and Evaluation Activities 

Topic:  Assessment and Evaluation Activities

·         Elementary only

·         Full day: in-person or remotely 

Description: Elementary educators will be engaged in assessment and evaluation activities including report card writing. This is time designated by the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) collective agreement.​


·         Self-directed day for teachers​

Learning/Delivery Method:

·         Individual work time

Friday, Feb. 14, 2025-  School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement (SIPSA)

Topic: School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement (SIPSA) ​

Description: School teams will focus on School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement (SIPSA) work. The HDSB has district-wide goals that each school develops detailed SIPSA plans for. School teams will focus their attention on district and school data analysis, planning effective strategies (literacy, mathematics, assessment and evaluation, monitoring student achievement and student safety and well-being). They will engage in learning related to the SIPSA goals and identify effective strategies. ​


Learning/Delivery Method:

Friday, April 4, 2025-  Student Mental Health and Well-Being

Topic: Student Mental Health and Well-Being



School teams will engage in learning related to student mental health and well-being with a focus on the mental health literacy learning and implementation of PPM 169: Student Mental Health in Ontario

School teams will address the effects of vaping and cellphone use on student learning and well-being. Staff will focus on the academic and health impacts of substance use, such as vaping, along with the challenges posed by excessive cellphone use in the classroom. There will be an emphasis on technology protocols, responsible use of technology and effective classroom management strategies. Staff will participate in cyber safety and online privacy awareness training, gaining insights into potential risks associated with student use of online platforms and emerging technologies. 

Learning/Delivery Method: 
